Steak Bites Recipe

Preparing the perfect steak can be very intimidating to beginner cooks. Getting that sear nice and crisp, knowing when to flip, reaching the desired level of doneness. It can be a daunting task. But, these buttery, garlic Steak Bites have come to your rescue! Feel free to use your favorite cut of steak. I use

Cajun Shrimp Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe

My cousin, Shantel, called me last week. “Hey! I don’t see a Shrimp Fettuccine recipe on your YouTube channel. Can you do one?” Uhhh, YES! I’m so happy she called, because I needed a pasta recipe. Why not a classic?? This Alfredo sauce is pretty universal. It’s my staple white sauce recipe. It’s absolutely delicious

Southwestern Egg Rolls Recipe

Every time my family goes to Chili’s we order at least 3 plates of their Southwestern Egg Rolls! We tear those things up. I had to recreate them at home. And I think I got pretty dang close. These egg rolls have never been very appealing to me. I’ve only recently tried them for the

Creamy White Beans Recipe

I took beans for granted as a child. I HATED them. To be honest, I’ve only just developed a love for them since creating this blog. I know, I know. I’m tripping. But, this recipe makes up for my waywardness. If I’m gonna eat beans, they better be creamy! Oh, and I’m not spending all

Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe

This Sweet Potato Casserole is a new addition to our Thanksgiving spread. We’re always too busy fighting over slices of my Mom’s incredible sweet potato pie to even notice another sweet potato dish. I know you guys want that recipe too. But, it’s not mine to give. HOWEVER, you may want to pay VERY close

Country Fried Steak Recipe

Is it Chicken Fried Steak or Country Fried Steak? I don’t know. It doesn’t really matter. We can just call it GOOD! I’ll be honest, this meal is 50,000 calories. But, boy, is it worth it!  Any thinly sliced steak is good to use. I prefer cube steak. Cube steak is just tenderized round steak.

Homemade Chili Recipe

I can’t believe I don’t have a homemade Chili recipe in the collection already! Especially when it’s this dang good! With the first slight breeze in this Louisiana air, I instantly thought of a big pot of hearty Chili. Gotta love the throw it all in and simmer recipes! One of the keys to a